Current Tenders
S.No. Tender Reference Number Tender Title Start Date End Date Extended Date
1 NIT IKHEP NIT for Supply Installation of spare parts and Repair Maintenance 19/11/2024 17/02/2025
2 eNIT SKHEP EOT Cranes eNIT for Preventive Maintenance of EOT cranes in PHC of SKHEP 16/01/2025 18/02/2025
3 NIT STKHEP AMC NIT for AMC of 06 blast vibrations and earthquake in STKHEP 06/01/2025 20/02/2025
4 NIT Chanju-III HEP NIT of Electromechanical Package of Chanju III HEP 13/12/2024 21/02/2025
5 Cancellation of Proposal/Bid Cancellation of Proposal regarding updation of Finance Manuals 04/02/2025 15/02/2025
6 NIT Sainj HEP Hydraulic Valves NIQ regarding Procurement of Hydraulic Valves 04/02/2025 18/02/2025
7 NIT Power Aggregator NIT for hiring of Power Aggregator 01/01/2025 19/02/2025
8 Corrigendum Chanju-III HEP Corrigendum Chanju III HEP 03/02/2025 15/03/2025
9 eNIT SKHEP HYDAC BFV Oil eNIT for procurement of Axial piston Pumps of HYDAC make for BFV Oil 18/01/2025 10/02/2025
10 NIQ SKHEP PAS NIQ for procurement of critical spares required for Public Address System 31/01/2025 10/02/2025